Supported Housing
Cephas supported living services provide person-centred care environments where the people at the centre of the support we provide, lead on how their care is delivered in an environment they choose.
Supported living services encourage service users to live within their own property, with the proper care, support and encouragement to live as independently as possible. The service users are encouraged to cook, clean and maintain their property as they would usually, but with safe levels of care and support provided by our well-trained staff.
We have a portfolio of 18 supported living properties which cater for everyone, from those wishing to live alone and be supported in this manner, to people who wish to live in smaller groups with others to add the community feel to their care.
We offer the opportunity for those living in supported living services to choose alternative properties they may be interested in living in. Every property in our portfolio is chosen with the input of those receiving the care within, and we welcome new ideas, new properties and new service users.
Our care packages are unique and varied, and are tailored to every single individual.